Infancy is a time most people don’t recall, even though it would be a wonderful time to remember, at least in an ideal situation. All our needs are taken care of. We are held and loved. People sing to us, coo, and laugh at all our jokes. 
Do we remember anything from the time before we could walk and talk? Anecdotal accounts vary. Most people don’t have any recall, while a few might be able to share an image or event that took place before there were words to describe them. 
Yet, it’s quite possible that the experience of being born, and even the period before birth can have profound effects on individuals. Even though most people will say they don’t remember their birth, let alone the time before birth, science tells us that infant memory is real! Psychology Today puts it this way: 
“...a sizable amount of memory from infancy is stored in the brain as implicit memory, and this involves the unconscious mind.” 
How can these memories help people to heal? There are times when certain habits, ailments, and fears just can’t seem to be explained. That’s the case, many times, when therapists use talk therapy to help clients get to the source of their issues. Ask anyone why they feel anxious, and in most instances, the person will tell you it’s impossible to identify the reasons. 
Unexplained fears of being in closed spaces, breathing problems, a feeling of being unwanted, and many psychological and psychosomatic issues cause people a lot of distress. Talking about these things in session after session might even make them worse!  

What if the origins of fears, phobias, and physical discomfort have their roots in the pre-birth and birth experiences? If that is the case, we will want to explore these early memories. 

Hypnotherapy Invites Communication with the Inner Infant 

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy®, with the power of age regression, makes it possible for clients to access events and experiences that took place in very early life. Moreover, the hypnotherapy clients are given a corrective experience, through expressing emotions that could not be expressed at the time of the event(s). 
They can then reframe the inferences they made about themselves, and change the way they approach life. Here is an example. 
A highly intelligent, senior manager in a high-tech field had to do a lot of travel for business. This would not have been a problem, except for one thing. Each time he would hear the door close on the aircraft,particularly if he was in the middle seat,  he would have an anxiety attack. He’d have difficulty breathing, break into a sweat, and start to tremble. He said he felt stuck and unable to escape. He would get very embarrassed, and tried to avoid going on business trips. 
During his regression in an hypnotherapy session, he followed the emotions he would feel on a flight—namely fear, frustration, and anxiety—back to his birth experience! Although he had no conscious memory of the circumstances of his birth, and almost nothing to go on in terms of stories from relatives, the connection was clear. 
During birth, he experienced the feeling of being stuck. While he was being squeezed, he felt immensely confined, and unable to make his way through to his eventual birth. He concluded that during his birth, he was helpless, and that he didn’t do anything to assert himself. He just gave up. 
On those plane trips, the sound of the door closing reminded him of what it was like when he was stuck in the birth canal. Once he became aware of the connection between his airplane experience and his birth, he was able to make positive changes.  
He reframed “I am helpless” into “I can ask for help when I need it.” Then, he changed his behavior by taking assertive action. He spoke to the person who arranged his travel and gave instructions to only place him in aisle seats from now on. In addition, he understood that the fact that he was born proves that he isn’t “stuck.” He was able to fly without anxiety from then on. 
The circumstances of birth and infancy have numerous effects on the individual. The ability to access memories from infancy and even earlier times with hypnotherapy can offer relief that simply cannot be obtained with talk therapy alone. 

Become a Certified Hypnotherapist at The Wellness Institute 

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool, and to be able to use it, therapists must complete specialized training and instruction. There are many certification programs in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and some take a lot of time and effort to complete. At The Wellness Institute, this isn’t the case. With our Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program, you receive all the instruction you need in less than a week! 
The program is offered completely online, with live teachers and an interactive cohort. Not only will you receive didactic training, you will also experience Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® as therapist, client, and observer. Our students are amazed at how fast they learn to conduct sessions, and they rave about the healing they achieve by being in the client role. 
Once your training is complete, you’ll conduct your practice sessions, pass a simple take-home exam, and receive your certification! Our graduates are trained to treat birth issues, as well as trauma, sexual abuse, addiction, eating disorders, codependency, mind-body matters, childhood issues and more with the Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® protocol. 
The Wellness Institute offers a less extensive Two-Day Introduction to Hypnosis Course for those who want to learn about hypnosis to help clients handle anxiety, pain, and improve performance. On the other end of the spectrum, Six Day Graduates can move on to the Advanced Internship and our other Advanced Training Programs that allow you to continue your healing journey as you sharpen and deepen your skills. 
The power of hypnotherapy is something you can offer clients who want to get to the root causes of their issues, and heal them. Word of your success is bound to get around fast, and your practice will thrive! 
Save your space so you can benefit from this transformative training. 
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