Hypnosis has not gained the respect that any other modalities enjoy, even though it definitely deserves it. Hypnosis has been in practice much longer than psychology, and it’s interesting to note that the APA has recently recognized the power of hypnosis as an effective adjunct to psychotherapy.  
In an article entitled Uncovering the new science of clinical hypnosis, Kirsten Weir describes how hypnosis can be used to help clients reach their goals and enact changes in their behavior through the use of post-hypnotic suggestions. The writer points out that hypnosis can be distinguished from meditation and mindfulness due to the presence of suggestions that influence thinking and behavior. 

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are evidence based, and extremely effective

The APA article goes on to cite various studies that prove the clinical utility of hypnosis. At the Wellness Institute, we have been convinced of the power of hypnosis and hypnotherapy for decades. Wellness has trained thousands of therapists to treat their clients with a modality that enables them to unlock the subconscious memories that drive a variety of psychological maladies, and reframe their behavior. 
Anxiety, addiction, sexual abuse, phobias, fears, relationship issues, somatic symptoms, and a host of other client complaints can be addressed an healed through hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Clinical hypnosis is the specific modality addressed in the APA article, and it’s true that hypnosis alone can be quite effective. 
In hypnosis, clients are guided into a relaxed state through verbal suggestions to relax and allow the conscious mind to take a rest. Once this is achieved, the therapist offers supportive suggestions to the client, who is in a state that allows the subconscious mind to take in the suggestions offered. The suggestions might encourage a whole array of corrective actions, from reducing the urge for a harmful substance or behavior to motivating the client to perform at top capacity in a public speaking, testing, or sports setting. Relief from physical discomfort can also be achieved. 
The Wellness Institute offers a two-day course, Introduction to Hypnosis, that will equip you to administer hypnosis to your clients. You’ll learn how to induce and deepen trance, as you are guided through issues such as ethics and constructing sessions that will benefit your clients. 
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy®, a deeply powerful and healing method of addressing deeper issues, is life-changing for therapists as well as clients. This modality consists of some of the same components used in hypnosis, but it adds the power of age regression. 
By following a bridge from the core emotions that arise when the client describes a recent distressing event, the therapist guides the client back as subconscious memories are retrieved. The client then is invited to express and release emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, jealousy, loneliness, guilt, and shame. 
This provides the client with a corrective experience, and the opportunity to recognize what ideas the event gave them about self-esteem and self-worth. Then the behavior that stemmed from this idea is identified. Once the client goes through this process, ideally twice, they are then guided through a healing session that includes inner child work and anchoring a resource state. 
Hypnotherapy is especially powerful in the treatment of trauma-related issues, and is an ideal treatment for clients with PTSD. When clients have issues that make them need to build trust in the hypnotherapist or the process, a titration process is used to demonstrate that the client has complete control over what happens in the session. 
Graduates of the Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program rave about the experience of the training, mainly because it allows them to participate as clients as well as therapists and observers. A mixture of didactic presentation and experiential training provides information and builds the confidence necessary to conduct the sessions needed for certification. 
Once certified, our students find Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® allows them to have marked success with clients. Even those who seem to be “stuck” in conventional talk therapy make gigantic strides after their hypnotherapy sessions. Being certified as a Hypnotherapist gives you the opportunity to provide a service that is in increasing demand. Clients will come to you for relief from their deeply troubling issues, and you’ll be able to guide them along a path to lasting healing. 

Learn Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy at The Wellness Institute 

Let The Wellness Institute train you in hypnosis and hypnotherapy! Once you graduate from the Six Day program and complete your sessions for certification, you can move even more deeply into developing your skills in hypnotherapy with our Advanced Training Programs. There are opportunities to learn Heart-Centered Breathwork, Psychodrama, and Jungian techniques as you progress through training programs that will support you in years to come. 
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